Friday, February 24, 2006

Version 1.4.4

Midnight Mars Browser version 1.4.4 has been posted. Here's what's new:

  • In Panorama mode, the new "Edit -> Select Command Sequence Images" menu option selects the closest image to center and all other images in the panorama with the same command sequence code. Once an image or images are selected, they can be hid using the new "Navigate -> Hide Selected Images" menu option (to reveal any images behind). All images can be shown again using the "Navigate -> Show All Images" menu option.
  • Improved image quality in Panorama mode at certain magnifications (smoother scaling, fewer "jaggies").
  • Added an "Update Panorama Images from JPL" menu option to the Update menu.
  • Fixed Panorama selection dialog to show pans in order by sol (since site/drive code isn't completely reliable).
  • Panorama screenshots show view azimuth, elevation and field of view at bottom.
  • Miscellaneous other fixes.

Download the latest version of Midnight Mars Browser